Pump-nozzle remedy
07eins - PDA overview
PDA products
Overview of all products for pump-nozzle remedies.
Installation workshops
Here you will find a competent installation workshop for the PDA products.
DIY - Own installation
Here you will find our detailed installation instructions.
Field reports
We prefer to leave our customers to speak for us.

Repair and prevention for pump-nozzle engines
First signs of pump-nozzle damage:
Poor starting behavior of your engine (especially at operating temperature or after a long period of inactivity)
Unsteady engine running / idling
Lack of / low oil pressure (bearing shells already worn due to diesel in the oil)
Stalling in city traffic
Loss of power
Loss of compression
Diluted engine oil due to diesel mixture
Functional principle of the PDE bridge
The ORIGINAL PDE bridge for VW T5 2.5 TDI engines
Functional principle of the PDE body holders
The ORIGINAL PDE body holder (PDE repair holder) for diesel engines with pump injector unit for Audi, Seat, Skoda or Volkswagen.

Easy assembly and disassembly
Our products are installed without any modifications/work on the engine/cylinder head. Original screws and fixing points are used. Service-related reassembly for further maintenance work can be carried out without any problems due to the multi-part design.
The following product solutions have been developed: